Your Psalms & Stretches email address
Each instructor is given an email address "yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" so we can all look uniform on the website, however, how you want this email address set up is your choice. Here are a couple of options:
A. "Forwarder"
This is a simple redirection, the email address "yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" acts as a delivery pigeon and posts any mail that is addressed to"yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" to another email address of your choice. So, for example; if you tell us you want all your emails to go to "helloitsme@gmail.com" then anything that anyone sends you to "yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" will end up in "helloitsme@gmail.com".
Pros: If you have an existing business that P&S is becoming part of, you might want to keep your email i.e. "mytitle@wellnesswithme.com" - especially if it's one your client base already know. You can operate as usual with everything P&S related funneling into your "normal inbox", so to speak. Equally, if P&S is part of your ministry role within your church organisation and you have a church email address that people know and use already then it could be helpful for your P&S email address to be this simple pigeon hole collection system. (Coo coo!)
Cons: When you reply your correspondance will continue from your existing mail box (ie. the one you give us). This could be fine if the above is the case, but not if you've given us a quirky personal email address that might not look as professional. Or, if you just want to compartmentalise your communication for different areas of your work.
What you need to do: Tell us where you'd like your emails to go, and that's it!
B. "Forwarder"+"Email alias"
Our thanks go to P&S Instructor Claire's hubby for this trick! A hybrid method...
Here's the scenario, you are happy sharing your inbox with all your P&S mail, but you want to be able to reply from "yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" too, so it gives the appearance of a separate email account and looks nice and profesh. To do this you need to set up what's called an "email alias" via your email account settings. In the link below are Claire's step-by-step instructions for doing this with a Gmail account via your computer. If you don't use Gmail, type "setting up an email alias for outlook/icloud/yahoo" into google and you will be able to find instructions for your provider. If we think of our "forwarder" delivery pigeon taking your P&S mail to your chosen inbox, then you creating the "alias email address" is like being able to put a Psalms & Stretches t-shirt on that pigeon when you send it back and it'll coo"I'm coming from "yourname@psalmsandstretches"!" Your recipient will receive the email under that guise, and when it's set up, it's as simple as just selecting the "From" dropdown when you compose your emails.
Pros: This neatly closes the loop so to speak, you get P&S emails in via the forwarding system and you can send P&S emails out by adding an email alias to your account.
Cons: Some additional setup is needed your end. Emails from both addresses will be delivered in your inbox just like "forwarding" (this could be a pro or a con, depends!). If you did want to compartmentalise, you can set up a filtering system which can divide incoming emails by things like sender/subject/keywords and put them in specific folders instead to help keep things more organised. Outlook calls this creating "Rules" and you can google this as it's a well know feature of most email providers.
What you need to do:
1. Tell us where you'd like your emails to go.
2. Create an "email alias" via your email account provider.
Option: Add a filtering system/create rules so you can organise incoming emails into folders if you want to.
What you need from us:
1. Your password - this is something we set up our end before you start- so do request it from us.
2. These instructions HERE. If these Gmail example instructions are not the same as what your email provider require, have a google. Also, all the generic info you could need connected to our email system is supplied in the green bubble below under "trouble shooting" so do take a look there also.
C. Email Account
This option is where"yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" is it's own email account, with it's own inbox, sent, drafts, folders etc- a completely separate account.
For easy access you just need to add it as an account to the mail app you use on your device, ie. Apple Mail, Outlook app, Mail app on android etc. Example instructions for doing this on the default Mail app on a Samsung device are linked below.
Alternative: If you want to access your mailbox online through a web browser go to:
Username: your P&S email address
Password: your P&S password you get from us
Pros: Compartmentalism! Allows you to keep it all separate, and of course any email you send will come from that address.
Cons: Some additional set up is required your end. Each Mail app may potentially be slightly different, so the steps taken could vary from instructions. If yours is different from our example (i.e if you use Apple Mail) please see the "generic set up information" in the green box below - that should have everything you need and it's just a question of entering the right bit in the right place!
What you need to do:
1. Add your P&S account to whatever mail app you currently use, using the information below.
What you need from us:
1. Your password - this is something we set up our end before you start- so do request it from us.
2. This instruction sheet HERE for the step-by-step example using Mail app on Samsunge device. Or see generic information as a guide in the green bubble below, if your mail app is different.
Generic information for setting up your P&S email account in your mail app:
An example for adding an account to the default Mail app on phone is detailed HERE
Open your mail app...
"Add Acount" - often found in Settings.
This account needs to be added as an "IMAP" acount (sometimes under "other")
Put your P&S address in "yourname@psalmsandstretches.com" - this is your username for anywhere you'll need to enter a "username".
You may be asked for your password at this point too - this is your password for anywhere you'll need to enter a password. Remember - your password is something you'll get from us when we set it up our end. You can specifiy what you'd like it to be - just let us know.
Tap save/tick/enter - however it completes and that should be you all set up!
Trouble shooting: If it doesnt automatically configure you may need these additional settings: -
Incoming server: imap.stackmail.com - Port 993
If "Encryption method" is an option SSL/TLS should be selected
If "require SPA (Secure Password Authentication)" is an option this should not be ticked
Outgoing server: smtp.stackmail.com - Port 465