Pip Jacobson
P&S Instructor
Pip has participated enthusiastically in Pilates, Zumba, and Ballet classes for decades, whilst pursuing her own career, supporting her husband’s business ventures, and raising their three children (technically all adults now). She has come to rely on these different movement forms to heal and recover from various injuries, particularly in recent years. This has led her to really appreciate the positive effects of movement on the mind, body, and spirit. Finally with a little more time on her hands, Pip retrained as a mat Pilates instructor. At points during this course, she was unsure why she had gone back to studying after so long out, but was ultimately energised by the whole learning process. Very active in her local church, Pip co-founded and led a family service for 16 years, as well as being the church’s Schools’ Worker, which involved working in a team to deliver assemblies and lunch clubs in local primary schools. She also has played Mary in the annual Churches Together ‘Christmas Journey’ to local KS1 primary children for far too many years! Pip is passionate about connecting with people in her community and encouraging them to an encounter with God. She says that hearing about Psalms & Stretches so soon after qualifying as a Pilates instructor, was like finding the missing piece of the jigsaw. She is excited to feel God calling her again, specifically to use her new-found passion – combining His Word with exercise that is accessible to all.